Field data from 2020
Soy volume sourced in the cerrado (data from 2020)
Out of total volume sourced from Brazil in 2020
sourced in other biomes
sourced in the Cerrado
Soy volumes sourced in the focus municipalities (data from 2020)
Out of total volume sourced from Cerrado in 2020
sourced in other municipalities
sourced in the 61 focus municipalities
Soy volume sourced directly and indirectly (data from 2020)
Out of total volume sourced from the 61 focus municipalities in 2020
indirect sources
direct sources
Soy volumes traceable to farm for direct sources in the focus municipalities (data from 2020)
Out of total volume sourced directly from farmers in the 61 focus municipalities in 2020
traceable to farm
Mapping of indirect suppliers (data from 2020)
To the first point of aggregation in the 61 focus municipalities
is traceable to the point of aggregation

Brazil is one of the global leaders in food production and exporting.
Expanding local agricultural production in a sustainable way to meet the needs of a world population in constant growth is a great responsibility, but not the only one as, at the same time, we must consider other important matters regarding governance, social and environmental issues in place.
Viterra has a commitment to originate products that are free from any socio-environmental restrictions, in addition to complying with all legislation and relevant industry pacts.
Given the growing global demand for products from sustainable origins, supporting our supply chains to be compliant with social and environmental legislation has become essential for us. Also important is incentivising producers through strategic mechanisms to achieve better productivity by using technological resources and improving processes for good agricultural practices. This will increase their productive efficiency through the sustainable use of areas that have already been converted, and eliminates the drive for new deforestation.
To achieve this, our field teams are developing collaborative solutions to ensure our grain supply chains will be 100% traceable, monitored and free from deforestation or native vegetation conversion.
We understand that our role increasingly goes beyond product marketing. Today we are the main connection between consumers, who are more and more concerned about the origin of the products they use, and the producers who work responsibly assuring the preservation of the environment, while helping to ensure food security for the growing world’s population.
Both the preservation of Brazilian forests and the sustainable use of the soil, especially in the most sensitive biomes, is a responsibility assumed by all people who are part of Viterra, not only as professionals, but also as the global citizens we all are.
Celso Bermejo
Executive Manager, Viterra Brazil