Field data from 2020

Soy volume sourced in the cerrado (data from 2020)

Out of total volume sourced from Brazil in 2020


sourced in the Cerrado


sourced in other biomes

Soy volumes sourced in the focus municipalities (data from 2020)

Out of total volume sourced from Cerrado in 2020


sourced in the 61 focus municipalities


sourced in other municipalities

Soy volume sourced directly and indirectly (data from 2020)

Out of total volume sourced from the 61 focus municipalities in 2020


direct sources


indirect sources

Soy volumes traceable to farm for direct sources in the focus municipalities (data from 2020)

Out of total volume sourced directly from farmers in the 61 focus municipalities in 2020


traceable to farm

Mapping of indirect suppliers (data from 2020)

To the first point of aggregation in the 61 focus municipalities


is traceable to the point of aggregation

To protect our lands tomorrow, we must invest in their health and resiliency today. In order to enable this, many teams across Cargill worked together to achieve 100% traceability to farm for direct suppliers and 100% traceability to the first point of aggregation for indirect suppliers in the priority municipalities.

We must partner across the supply chain, starting with farmers. Our approach includes initiatives that protect the land, invest in soil health and regenerative land practices, restore previously converted land and generate innovative solutions that can drive long-term change.

With increased traceability comes greater visibility and accountability. This allows us to take action when needed to deliver our commitment to eliminate deforestation and conversion from our South American soy supply chain in the shortest time possible

Diogo Araujo
Origination Regional Manager, Mato Grosso, Brazil

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