Field data from 2021
Note: The SCF member companies’ overall performance on traceability to farm for direct sources is referenced in the Monitor Land Use section.
Soy volume sourced in the Cerrado
Out of total volume sourced from Brazil in 2021
sourced in other biomes
sourced in the Cerrado
Soy volumes sourced in THE 61 focus municipalities
Out of total volume sourced from Cerrado in 2021
sourced in other municipalities
sourced in the 61 focus municipalities
Soy volume sourced directly and indirectly
Out of total volume sourced from the 61 focus municipalities in 2021
indirect sources
direct sources
To the first point of aggregation in the 61 focus municipalities in 2021
traceable to the first point of aggregation
Out of total volume of soy purchased directly and indirectly in the 61 focus municipalities in 2021
non-verified DCF soy
verified DCF soy

Traceability as a source of solution for zero deforestation
We achieved polygon-level traceability of all direct suppliers in the 61 priority municipalities, as well as for grains across Brazil. This will allow us to understand risks and opportunities in our supply chain, including deforestation/conversion issues, helping Cargill move closer to its zero-deforestation commitment.
Traceability also directly benefits the information leading to transparency for our downstream customers, bringing security not only to the company, but to all stakeholders involved.
In total, about 1000 municipalities in 15 Brazilian states were analyzed, with the involvement of about 300 people directly or indirectly in the supply chain mapping process.
We faced challenges such as the lack of technology that would allow us to connect the land data with the fiscal data, i.e., there is no ready-made data source for the analyses, but we have the entire company dedicated to build the State of Art traceability in the commodity sector in Brazil today.

Julio Gonçalves
Regional Administrative Manager (Santarém, Pará) at Cargill
Responsible for controlling activities for Cargill’s ports in Brazil
and leader of the grains and cotton’s traceability project for Cargill in Brazil.