Field data from 2021
- The SCF member companies’ overall performance on traceability to farm for direct sources is referenced in the Monitor Land Use section.
- LDC’s reporting scope includes the Brazilian joint venture ALZ Grãos (ALZ), in which LDC has a 33% minority shareholding.
- Based on SCF’s methodology, LDC counts 33% of ALZ’s soy sourced in the 61 focus municipalities (FMs) as part of our indirect sourcing profile. For this portion of LDC’s “indirect sourcing”, we consider “traceable to the first point of aggregation” the volumes directly sourced by ALZ that are actually “traceable to farm” – a step ahead on traceability.
- ALZ’s sustainable sourcing commitments are laid out in its Grain Sustainability Policy. With close to 100% of its soy sourced directly from producers, ALZ is working toward full soy supply chain traceability.
Soy volume sourced in the Cerrado
Out of total volume sourced from Brazil in 2021
sourced in other biomes
sourced in the Cerrado
Soy volumes sourced in the 61 focus municipalities
Out of total volume sourced from Cerrado in 2021
sourced in other municipalities
sourced in the 61 focus municipalities
Soy volume sourced directly and indirectly
Out of total volume sourced from the 61 focus municipalities in 2021
indirect sources
direct sources
To the first point of aggregation in the 61 focus municipalities in 2021
not traceable to the first point of aggregation
traceable to the first point aggregation
Out of total volume of soy purchased directly and indirectly in the 61 focus municipalities in 2021
non-verified DCF soy
verified DCF soy

Louis Dreyfus Company (LDC) announced earlier this year a commitment to eliminate deforestation and conversion of native vegetation of high conservation value for agricultural purposes from all its supply chains, by the end of 2025. This commitment builds on LDC’s global approach to shaping increasingly fair and sustainable food and agriculture value chains.
The ability to trace all suppliers (direct and indirect) is a crucial enabler to achieve this important goal in time. Each grain or oilseed we source must be traceable to its origin, so that the farms they were grown on can be monitored using satellite images, via advanced territorial comparison software capable of indicating any land use changes in areas with native vegetation within farming properties, almost in real time.
Our 2025 zero-deforestation and conversion commitment is the result of several years of work among multiple sustainability, commercial and other teams across our business, with genuine participation at all levels of the company, from top management to commercial managers and teams in the field.
Another important step for biodiversity conservation and GHG emissions reductions has been the creation of LDC’s dedicated Carbon Solutions Platform, which will drive the Group’s decarbonization roadmap and efforts, supported by active participation in both compliance and voluntary carbon credits markets, and in collaboration with climate solutions experts and all of LDC’s business lines to set science-based emissions reduction targets for the Group.

Vitor Correa
Global Head of Safety, Health & Environment (São Paulo) at LDC
Global Head of Safety, Health & Environment (São Paulo) at LDC